Friday, September 11, 2009

Ghetto Scarecrow

I am always on guard as I walk to my car through the area west of campus. From my experience, this neighborhood has less students and more graffiti than the area north of campus where I used to live. I try to keep the words of Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer, in my head as stay "Calm and Assertive" walking by the apparent junk yard with a gnarly pitbull. Sometime I wonder what would happen if the dog could escape and get to me. It is best to not even think about it.

Sometimes, I am surprised as I walk by this house:

That figure on the porch is a dummy wearing a terrorist mask. Almost every other day, this Ghetto Scarecrow doubles my heart rate in a matter of milliseconds as I catch it in the corner of my eye.

I doubt it is even intended to keep hoodlums away. That is what the barbed-wire on a spike fence is for. It may just be an ironic use of a mannequin wearing USC and Disney gear. Either way I don't like it at all.

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