Sunday, July 19, 2009

Engineering Awesome Moment (Thanks Mechoptronics and Senior Project Lab)

After looking up that the legal size to keep a cabezon is 15 inches, we became curious as to really how big the fish was. We were thinking it may be just about a legal size fish.

As it turns out, with a little photo analysis, simple ratios, and the dreaded Pythagorean Theorem the cabezon is a whopping 24 inches. We used the sinker as our reference length in the plane of the fish. Here are our quick scribbles (which resembles my drafts for engineering assignments before I clean them up):

We double checked the numbers and it looks like my dad landed a pretty rad fish. Do any bored recent grads want to double check my work? The size of the sinker is 27/32 inches.

We let it go, but according to fish and game,
They are one of the most sought-after rocky shore inhabitants.
And if Donald Trump wrote the description
They are the most sought-after, gold-plated, Italian marbled, rocky shore inhabitants money can buy. Really a great fish, all around a truly great fish.

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