Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Change of Location

This is where I will be blogging from now on. I am leaving behind the Viterbi blog and I am moving on.

Here is my final post from the Viterbi Student Blogs:

I graduated from USC about a month ago and things are great. I am super close to getting a job. I have done lots of small trips and vacations. I hiked to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite and I just got back from hanging with family in Arkansas.

I have been asked many times by parents on behalf of their high school seniors if I would go to USC all over again or go to another school. My answer is honest and is "Yes, I would do it all again."

I have developed personally in so many aspects of my life: academics, leadership, communication, relationships, and goals. I am so proud of what I have accomplished on the Aero Design Team. I have learned so much about myself and others as a Viterbi Student Ambassador and a Freshman Academy Coach. I discovered my passion for teaching science and engineering through Iridescent Learning.

I am equally proud of my friends. They have been role models to me in so many ways. They are motivated to succeed and all manage to achieve their goals in their own unique ways. We all have different traits, strengths and weakness, that allowed for some really great memories. In class, at football games, at the dorms, in computer labs at 4am, in the ADT lab, on roadtrips, on retreats, on spring break, and in other countries, I have had truly amazing moments with so many great people. I would not be the person I am today without the support and guidance of my friends at USC.

I am now moving on the next phase in my life. I will be starting my career as an engineer. I will spend time doing the things I like to do: surfing, fishing, sailing, woodworking, making planes, and cooking (no real surprises here). I look forward to constantly learning new things and meeting new people. If the past is any indication of the future, things are looking pretty good.

Look forward to more posts here at


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