Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Finishing Things

I just took the test that I been waiting on for a year (nailed it) . If it wasn't for my remarkably poor performance on the Fall 2008 AME 404 midterm, things would be very different right now. For one, I wouldn't have an extra set of loans to pay. I also would not be making a long commute into a city I really don't care for.

I am making the best of the situation in the mean time. I going to do my open water dives at Catalina this weekend, completing my SCUBA certification course. I have been fishing regularly. I have been learning to do real BBQ in a smoker. I also will be teaching another Family Science course with Iridescent Learning in a couple weeks. You can see some shots of me in action in the following video.

That is all great, but I am finding that I am always anxious for the next step. For example, summer was great, but I am ready for some fall weather. Same thing with part-time school and part-time work; I am ready to start supporting myself. I want to be an engineer.

After a month and a half of time away from the job search, I am ready to start up again. I learned a lot this summer about finding jobs in a tough economy and I am ready to see how things go now.

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