Saturday, October 31, 2009


I finally finished painting the 6ft x 4ft French windows at my grandparent's house. I can't believe such a small area of work took 15 hours to complete. I am just glad that I was not born into window painting family in the 1600s near Versailles. I must give credit to Home Depot for making painting look like so much fun in all of their commercials.

After painting, I carved a pumpkin as the USC v. Oregon game started. I took the following picture after telling the pumpkin the score at the end of the game.

If you are wondering what I was for Halloween...I was a painter.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What's Good?

I just got into It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and it is out of control funny. If you thought Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm is morally despicable, you have not seen "the gang" from Always Sunny. Check out this site that has almost all the episodes commercial free in good quality:


I also have to mention Jake and Amir on These guys make about 2 short videos each week.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Finishing Things

I just took the test that I been waiting on for a year (nailed it) . If it wasn't for my remarkably poor performance on the Fall 2008 AME 404 midterm, things would be very different right now. For one, I wouldn't have an extra set of loans to pay. I also would not be making a long commute into a city I really don't care for.

I am making the best of the situation in the mean time. I going to do my open water dives at Catalina this weekend, completing my SCUBA certification course. I have been fishing regularly. I have been learning to do real BBQ in a smoker. I also will be teaching another Family Science course with Iridescent Learning in a couple weeks. You can see some shots of me in action in the following video.

That is all great, but I am finding that I am always anxious for the next step. For example, summer was great, but I am ready for some fall weather. Same thing with part-time school and part-time work; I am ready to start supporting myself. I want to be an engineer.

After a month and a half of time away from the job search, I am ready to start up again. I learned a lot this summer about finding jobs in a tough economy and I am ready to see how things go now.