Thursday, December 24, 2009

Reindeer Jerky

I just finished making my gift for my family's gift exchange. We have the theme "Make it, Bake it, Sell it, Grow it". So this year I made beef jerky, which I am calling "Reindeer Jerky". In retrospect I should have bought venison or bagged my own deer.

Here is the label that I made:

Which is much better than my first option that I found online:

All for now. I will blog about my new job once I start working. Until then Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Looking for Answers

Remember when we all thought that was a search engine provided answers to our questions, as if it was our personal butler? Those were simpler times. We all swore we would never be fooled again by search engine ad campaigns that over promise and under deliver.

Then came, the "Decision Engine". I tried it and was thoroughly unimpressed. All of its features had the "Oh, this is like GoogleMaps" vibe and "Is that a decision helper or another set of pay-per-click ads?" feel.

Google is great, but they have some weaknesses its intuitive search features. Take a look at what Google presumes you will ask: